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Shutter Shades ~ All New Ultra Cool Styles!

28th Nov 2011

Wholesale Shutter Shades

CTS has just added some of the coolest shutter shades out there! The brand new "Metallic Shutter Shades" are finally here, and these are going to sell quickly. The colors are fabulous, and super metallic. Not to be out shined, the all-new "Bling Shutter Shades" are exceptionally cool too.

Shutter Shades have sky rocketed into phenomenal popularity, perhaps in part due to the many celebrities seen sporting these unique sunglasses. From rappers to the very wealthy "A List" celebrities, all the way to the kids next door; everyone is wearing these fun shutter shades. As always, here at CTS we provide our customers with all the current fashion trends in eyewear, which is why we have an extensive collection that continues to reflect the high demand for shutter shades.

Shutter Shades with Bling

Our newest "Metallic Shutter Shades" might be the hottest one's yet, these shining colored shutter shades come in our convenient display box, and are just $24 a dozen.

Our "Bling Shutter Shades" have the shutters, in addition to actual sunglass lenses, which has 100% UVA and UVB protection.

You can find shutter shades here that glow in the dark, in whacky neon colors, and even shutter shades that glow in the dark with faux rhinestones. There are heart shaped shutter shades, and sunglasses with only 3 shutters across the top of the lenses. One very unusual pair of shutter shades actually has a mesh single piece lens, and these are only $20 per dozen! There are mirrored sunglasses with shutters; shutter shades with paint splatter frames that glow in the dark too! All of the shutter shades come in colorful assortments, making them universally popular with men and women.

Shutter Shades are fun and when you shop at CTS, they're very affordable. Most of our shutter shades are $24 per dozen, which breaks down to just $2 per pair. These are extremely popular these days, so you're sure to make a very nice profit retailing them.