Social media sunglasses?
Posted by James on 9th Mar 2015
You’ve heard people say that sometimes, life imitates art. Well, now we can say “sunglasses imitate social media”. Okay, maybe not the whole of social media, but Instagram.
Sounds confusing? Allow me to explain.
Instagram style Sunglasses
A startup company called Tens has spent 3 years developing a range of sunglasses, which provide filters that are similar to those used on Instagram. This allows the wearer to see the world as if through their favorite Instagram filter.
For those who don’t use Instagram, it’s a social network for sharing photographs. Part of it’s massive popularity is that users can upload regular photos from their phone, then apply filters, which change the look of the photos. Average photos can be transformed into more artistic shots in seconds.
You are very welcome to join us on Instagram by clicking here.
Sunglasses, filters and the way we feel
However, pardon the pun, but there’s more to these sunglasses than meets the eye. It seems that the kind of light our brain accesses through our eyes, has an impact on how we feel.
Natural health expert Karen Erickson explains: “Lenses with colored tints allow for light entering your body to be concentrated in one spectrum. Therefore, your mood will enhance according to the color of your lenses.”
The project was backed by investment through a successful IndieGogo campaign. The team at Tens set an investment goal of $16,000. They actually achieved more than 3 times that amount almost overnight. They plan to start shipping their orders in June.
Whether this becomes a massive success or not, it's another great example of innovation within the sunglasses industry. It's wonderful to see so many creative people expanding the potential of sunglasses beyond being "just" a fashion accessory.
And finally folks
Don't forget, CTS Wholesale Sunglasses is here 365 days a year, to help retailers provide high quality products to their customers. If you're a retailer and you would like to know more, simply click here.
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