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News 5

June 11, 2015

With Father’s Day just over a week away, now is the perfect time to think about the ideal present for dad. I bet you’re thinking I’m going to recommend sunglasses as the perfect present?

June 8, 2015

A heart-warming story came out of the UK on Friday. A very brave nine year old boy has been able to wear sunglasses for the first time in his life. 

 June 4, 2015

At 92 years of age, he’s a national treasure. He’s the creator of Spiderman, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man, The X-Men and many others. I’m talking about Stan Lee; 

June 1, 2015

Every summer we hear warnings about the danger of leaving items on view, like sunglasses, when we park our vehicles

May 28, 2015

Ladies and gentlemen, a new celebrity is on the scene. Wearing her wonderful, bejeweled sunglasses, this style icon is capturing a lot of attention. She has fans around the country and is taking part in a TV show.

May 26, 2015

If you listened real closely last week, it’s just possible you heard a loud cheer coming all the way from Italy. OK, maybe not, but I’m pretty sure they cheered the roof off over at sunglasses giant, Luxottica.

May 21, 2015

Whether it’s sports or any other kind of competitive pursuit, people are always looking to gain a performance advantage. This is an arena where sunglasses have become a key component over the past 20 years.

May 18, 2015

As regular readers will know, one area of the sunglasses industry I often cover, is the intersection of technology and sunglasses design.

May 14, 2015

Today’s post is a wonderful fusion of talent, hard work, courage, sunglasses… and Prince.

May 11, 2015

I have a feeling that today’s post will be of particular interest to readers over the age of 35. That’s because today, I want to share a tip that can help you instantly look (at least a little), younger.